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Creating social media strategies for your preferred platforms can feel like a daunting task. But by careful consideration and following my 6 rules for getting your strategies right, you will be making a great start.

Social Media Strategies For The Perfect 2020 Vision

How should I approach social media strategies in 2020?

This year has certainly brought some surprises and with them some very challenging times for businesses during lock down. Now more than ever businesses are realising the importance of being visible on social media to keep in contact with customers and potential customers. Now more than ever is vital to develop your strategies carefully.

A question on everyone’s mind has been how do we keep ahead of the game?  With time to reflect many businesses have realised that their digital marketing is simply not up to scratch. A social media makeover is required.

We all put a lot of effort into our social media posts and naturally we want that hard work to pay off. It was a lot easier to achieve successful social media marketing a few years ago but sadly that just isn’t the case anymore. Why? Quite simply because of the huge amount of competition out there, your posts need to be heard through all the noise.  Social media platforms are become increasingly crowded.

You don’t have to shout, you just need to be smart.

Your 2020 strategies

Rule #1 

Understand the ‘why’ and set yourself
a clear objective with targets

Ask yourself why you are on social media and what do you want to achieve from it. Think about your posts; do they do what you want them to and are they going to help you achieve your overall goal?

Having a business social media account just because everyone else seems to have one is the wrong reason.  And putting posts out just for the sake of it is a poor strategy that will end in failure.

Your posts should do one of many things which will influence a follower to take the action the want them to take.

  • Raise your brand awareness. Post about your vision, your values as well as your products or services. The hard sell approach never works!
  • Inject some true brand storytelling. Talk about your purpose and why you do what you do.
  • Generate business enquiries and leads by creating compelling and engaging posts.
  • Ask for customer feedback and display your social proof that others are gaining from what you offer or sell.
  • Tell them the benefits of what you do, not just how you do it.
  • Make it easy for them to access what you are offering.

You have to know what action you ultimately want your followers to take.

Rule #2

Don’t waste time on strategies that are not working

Never be afraid to try something new, it could be something that really works in your favour, but it’s also OK if it doesn’t work out either – knowing what doesn’t work is just as valuable as knowing what does. 

Do you check your analytics?

I’ve heard many reasons why people don’t check their data. It’s usually because they don’t know how to, they don’t know what to look for or they don’t have the time. It pays to find out how to use the data which is available to you for free. Spending 10 minutes a week to find out what kind of posts are not working will save you hours in the long run.

Rule #3

To develop your strategies successfully ..

Know you customer, their lifestyle and their pain points

If you think everybody is your customer, you’re wrong. When you create content for everyone – you’re not actually talking to anyone. 

Niche it down and understand who your target audience is. Talk to them about their particular needs and interests – give them content that will resonate with them and appeal to them.

To nail this, you need to do your research and really get to know them inside out. Think about who they are: what is their occupation, what do they do in their spare time for example, and most importantly what problems they may have.

Armed with the solution to their problem, tell them about how your product or service will make their lives easier – these posts will definitely catch their attention. From there the right strategies across chosen platforms should form really easily.

Rule #4

Be on the right platform for you and your customer

This is a mix of all the previous rules. You don’t have time to waste, you shouldn’t be on social media just because others are and from your comprehensive research you know which social media platforms your target audience use.


If posting on a particular platform isn’t going to help you achieve your objective don’t use it. Businesses need customers and an income to survive, not likes!


I would always advice on concentrating on one or two social media platforms that really work well for your business.


You can always have a look at my youtube channel, I have great live streams on there but this one 9 top tips for creating engaging social media content you night find really interesting.


If you are struggling to come with ideas for your content have a look at my blog 13 LinkedIn post ideas for 2020. These ideas will work across all platforms and might spark some inspiration!

Rule #5

Be sociable

The only way to build and strengthen relationships is to be human and show your personal side. If someone has taken the time to comment on one of your posts, they’ll massively appreciate a thank you or a comment back. Plus, it’s great for algorithms too – your post will do much better in terms of organic reach.


Did you know? If you use scheduling tools like Hootsuite, you may notice that the posts you have scheduled don’t do so well. Facebook is a highly intelligent platform and will reward users who actively use it themselves.


Top tip: As much as you can post directly from Facebook and while you’re there, scan to see what others are going, give them a like and a comment.

Rule #6

Be consistent 

So now you have your target audience following you, they like you, they trust you and they fully understand what it is that you have that they want, don’t leave them hanging!

They’ll want to hear from you. Be consistent with your posting. If you don’t someone else’s voice will get heard over your silence.

Build your tribe

By incorporating these 6 rules into your content strategies you will attract your target audience. Someone once said to me ‘your vibe will attract your tribe’ and they’re right. Giving your customers and potential customers what they want to see will result in trust, loyalty and great business relationships.

It’s much more effective to have followers who are active, regularly interact with your posts and use your products or services than thousands who never engage with you.  Having your own tribe and ambassadors for your brand is incredibly powerful.

Always show up for your tribe!

And finally!

Don’t just focus on growing your followers and likes. It is not the number of followers or likes that is important, it is the engagement and business you get from your existing fans that is of the most value. Nurture this audience and your social media will naturally grow. 

If you want to keep ahead of the competition make sure you’re following my social media pages for regular social media updates, hints and tips. Developing the right strategies for your business can feel like an impossible task, I have plenty free content for you to look through to get you started on the right track.

Bye for now.


Becs Bate 

Social Media Consultant, Social Media Executive


Photo by Ian Schneider on Unsplash