Read more about the article How chatbots can support your business
Chatbots! What are they and how can they help my business? Well they are a very handy tool to help you keep your business running while you are indisposed doing other things. They can keep things ticking over without having to go to the expense of hiring someone to take all that noise away from you. I have been talking all about Chatbots and exploring their possibilities with my guest speaker Chris Bain.

How chatbots can support your business

I’m super excited to introduce Chris Bain from Chatbot Labs. The more I hear about the power of chatbots the more I’m intrigued by the sheer intelligence of them. How…

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Read more about the article Instagram or Facebook for business?
Sometimes it’s hard to distinguish between social media platforms. Sometimes it’s hard to choose the right platform for your business. Instagram and Facebook for example. What’s the difference, is there infact a difference, which one should I use, or should I use both? I’m here to help you make the right choice.

Instagram or Facebook for business?

Ever wondered whether to be on Facebook or Instagram, or both? Can’t sleep at night thinking, “is Instagram better than Facebook”. Join the club – there are a lot of…

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Read more about the article Integrating your branding into your social media
Your brand is the personality of your business. If your branding changes a lot, then your business becomes unrecognisable. Here are the things you need to know when you are creating posts, sending emails or even just on a video call, to make sure your business looks the same across all platforms.

Integrating your branding into your social media

I was delighted to speak with Kate Fox from Fox Graphics Design & Marketing today. Kate literally lives and breathes her brand and reaps the rewards – I’m so excited…

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Read more about the article What Is The Difference Between Facebook Ads And Boosting?
The question most people have is: should I boost in Facebook or not? Facebook has made boosting so easy. Keep reading to see why boosting may not be a good idea after all!

What Is The Difference Between Facebook Ads And Boosting?

There are two ways of promoting your content on Facebook, but which one is the best for you? In this blog I’ll explain the differences between boosting a Facebook post…

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Read more about the article How To Navigate Your Way Around Facebook’s New Layout
After many years Facebook has changed it’s layout. As of the 1st of October the old (classic) layout will no longer be available for you to use. I really like the new layout, below here are some of the things I really love, I have to say it’s a vast improvement. But there will be things you won’t be able to find. To see where they have gone keep reading!

How To Navigate Your Way Around Facebook’s New Layout

I admit I’ve been putting off immersing myself completely in Facebook’s new layout. It’s not because I’m scared of change, it’s more to do with the fact that I was…

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Read more about the article 6 Big Mistakes You Could Be Making On Your LinkedIn Posts
Sometimes the way we do things on social media can be very detrimental to how our posts and pages perform. Very often you don’t realise you are making ‘mistakes’ and wonder why your posts are not reaching the right people or popping up at all! Here are the biggest and most common mistakes I see on LinkedIn posts.

6 Big Mistakes You Could Be Making On Your LinkedIn Posts

Sometimes the way we do things on social media can be very detrimental to how our posts and pages perform. Very often you don’t realise you are making ‘mistakes’ and wonder why your posts are not reaching the right people or popping up at all! Here are the biggest and most common mistakes I see on LinkedIn posts.

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Read more about the article Why Professional Headshots For Social Media Matter
We don’t give much thought to our social media photos, especially our profile pictures. While speaking with Andrew Collier on my YouTube channel, he told me lots of reasons why we should be spending more time on getting these photos right. He also gave away some very helpful top tips!

Why Professional Headshots For Social Media Matter

My previous blogs have focussed on content, algorithms, social media tips and everything else you need to know to keep you up to date in the ever-evolving world of social…

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Read more about the article Top Tips for Social Media Content in 2022
Standing out from the crowd with your social media content can be hard. Follow these social media content tips and I'll help you on your road to social media success.

Top Tips for Social Media Content in 2022

Not knowing what content to use on social media can be a factor that stops people from marketing their business on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, LinkedIn, Pinterest and other platforms.  Simply…

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Read more about the article Social Media Strategies For The Perfect 2020 Vision
Creating social media strategies for your preferred platforms can feel like a daunting task. But by careful consideration and following my 6 rules for getting your strategies right, you will be making a great start.

Social Media Strategies For The Perfect 2020 Vision

How should I approach social media strategies in 2020? This year has certainly brought some surprises and with them some very challenging times for businesses during lock down. Now more…

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