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The 12 Days of Content

Twelve Social media content ideas for Businesses to post over Christmas


Christmas is the ideal time to post social media content on the likes of Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Instagram and Twitter if you’re a business.

Everyone is getting new mobile phones, tablets, laptops PCs and other electronics for Christmas, across the world people are setting up their new devises and have some down time to browse and try out their new toys.

So, it’s important your social media content is active over the festive period when they are.

The most important thing to consider is why your potential customers are on Social Media over the Christmas break – they are having time out to relax and enjoy time with family and friends. Therefore, it’s essential that your content appeals to their leisurely state of mind and doesn’t come across too corporate or salesy. They don’t want to be reminded of business and work, the likely hood is they’re on social media to have a bit of fun and find out what friends and family are doing.

The Christmas period is a great time to show what your business does to celebrate and support others over Christmas. Showcase the people behind your brand and the great work they do – most importantly make your content appeal to people on a personal level.

But what should you post on social media?

Here are twelve ideas that I’ve tried and tested over the years that get great engagement. They work across all platforms such as Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter and Instagram.

  1. Charity Work

If you’ve done some charity fund raising this year, now is the time to shout about money you’ve raised and the great causes your business supports. Don’t forget to include some great pictures from past events.

  1. Thank Businesses or people that have given you a great service

Everyone loves praise and recognition, so publicly thank your service providers or suppliers that have gone that extra mile on social media. Make sure you tag them in too so they get a notification.

  1. Post a picture of your works Christmas Party

Did you capture a nice picture of the team in the pub or around the table? People love to see who works in your company and the business treating them all to some Christmas cheer so share the pictures – use pictures before everyone gets too drunk!

  1. Christmas jumper day in the office

Share the photos of your Christmas jumpers was there a prize for the best one, did you raise money for charity – let us know.

  1. Thank your customers for supporting you over the year.

Show your appreciation to your customers and thank them for their business. Is there a particular product or service that has done well and you’re grateful for their support?

  1. Merry Christmas post

Post a nice Christmas themed image on Christmas day and wish all your followers a happy Christmas. Don’t forget these can be scheduled, so you don’t have to do it manually on the day itself.

  1. Ask your followers what their favourite Christmas song is

People love to share their opinions, so ask your followers what their favourite festive song is and get them engaging with your post / tweet.

  1. Best Christmas moment

Share a Christmas picture, maybe a funny moment, best Christmas hat or a gift you’ve received and ask your followers to do the same. You could even offer a prize for the best picture.


  1. Run a poll for your customers

Ask your customers to vote on something you need feedback on. This might be a product or service you’re thinking of launching or maybe you’d like to know what they most value in your business. You can set polls up on Facebook and Twitter.

  1. Most memorable Christmas present

Get nostalgic and ask your followers what their most memorable Christmas present was. People love to reminisce and it provides great engagement on your post.

  1. Cheers – what’s your favourite tipple

Stage a toast picture at work and share your favourite drink to see the new year in and ask your followers to do the same.

  1. Happy New Year

Share a gif, picture or animation wishing all your followers and customer a very happy new year.

I hope this has given you some inspiration to get you through the Christmas period and make sure you follow my Facebook page for more tips and advice throughout the new year!

Have a very merry Christmas and a happy new year.
