Read more about the article How Twitter Hashtags Work
Tweets are short and snappy; characteristics that contribute to its fast-paced nature.

How Twitter Hashtags Work

Twitter is huge. It’s an exciting platform to be on and an amazing marketing tool. If you use hashtags effectively that is! It really does make good sense to know…

Read more about the article LinkedIn Analytics and What They Mean
Sometimes the changes seem to be for changes sake, but LinkedIn’s recent analytics makeover is one of the best yet

LinkedIn Analytics and What They Mean

One thing you can be sure about in the world of social media is that change is inevitable – and it happens A LOT! More recently LinkedIn Data has changed!Sometimes…

Read more about the article How To Use Twitter For Business
Twitter is unrivalled when it comes to raising awareness of your brand, for research, and for prospecting new clients.

How To Use Twitter For Business

If you don’t think Twitter has a place in your marketing plan, or you’ve been put off by its fast-paced nature, I’m here to explain why you should think again…

Read more about the article How to protect your Facebook account from hackers
Facebook estimates that 160,000 accounts are hacked EVERY DAY!

How to protect your Facebook account from hackers

Take these steps to protect your Facebook account from being hacked.It is estimated that 160,000 Facebook accounts are hacked EVERY DAY! If you’ve ever had your Facebook account hacked, you’ll know…