Read more about the article Why Professional Headshots For Social Media Matter
We don’t give much thought to our social media photos, especially our profile pictures. While speaking with Andrew Collier on my YouTube channel, he told me lots of reasons why we should be spending more time on getting these photos right. He also gave away some very helpful top tips!

Why Professional Headshots For Social Media Matter

My previous blogs have focussed on content, algorithms, social media tips and everything else you need to know to keep you up to date in the ever-evolving world of social…

Read more about the article How To Create Viral Content On Social Media
That caught your attention delicious isn’t it. But if it wasn’t for the power of viral posts we might not have seen this image. Here’s why viral marketing works and doesn’t work. What are the main tips you need to create a viral campaign.

How To Create Viral Content On Social Media

Have you ever wished for one of your posts to go viral? In this blog I’ll be revealing some industry proven top tips as well as make you think twice.…