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With our focus on people, structure and engagement let’s dive in shall we and discover the best proven techniques to elevate your social media posts to the next level!

How to structure a good Facebook post

There’s an art to structuring Facebook posts – and it’s easy to learn too. There are three things that you need to focus on when creating your social media content.

  1. You need to think about the person you want to read the Facebook post. What will appeal to them?
  2. You need to consider how you are going to stop someone from scrolling past and pay attention to what you have to say. What heading or image will resonate?
  3. You need to identify a way to encourage engagement on your Facebook post. What type of content will spark a conversation that your target audience will want to take part in?

With our focus on people, structure and engagement let’s dive in shall we and discover the best proven techniques to elevate your social media posts to the next level!

how to structure a good facebook post

How to create a social media content strategy: The 80/20 rule

Your overall strategy should include a mix of various types of content. For example, you could write a post to celebrate an award, to provide an insight into what goes on behind the scenes, to share something humorous that happened to you, to trigger a discussion about an interesting news piece that is relevant to what you do, to tell your followers how your products and services can solve a problem, or you could simply ask a question.

You’ll notice that I didn’t include sales posts in this group of social media content ideas. And for good reason too.

Aim for only 20% of your posts to be of the more salesy type!

Brands that excessively put out sales posts on their social media accounts put people off.

Developing your social media content strategy with the 80/20 rule will help your followers and connections really get to know you. They will feel as if they know you, they will develop a sense of trust, and if your product or service isn’t right for them, they are highly likely to recommend you to someone else with a ‘I know someone who can help you with that’ response.

how to structure a facebook post

If your content is very salesy at the moment, then don’t worry check out this blog that is full of top tips on how to find social media content ideas here

Social media content that works well on Facebook


You’ll know from your own experience that your personal Facebook account is largely made up of your friends and family. So how does a business account fit in?

By showing its human side of course! Be genuine and be social and your business posts will be most welcomed in newsfeeds!

My seven ‘How To Structure A Good Facebook Post’ rules:

 1. Create a captivating first line. To stand out, consider using some capital letters (not too many or you could come across as angry), or find some great emojis to make it pop.

This heading is key to stop those thumbs from scrolling on by!

 2. Don’t try to cram everything in before your content gets cut off by the ‘read more’ prompt. It’s best to create a post that encourages people to read more. The Facebook algorithm robots will view this activity as engagement and keep sending your post to more people.

Start every sentence as a new paragraph to make it really easy to read. So even if you don’t have a lot to say you’ll be enticing the reader to click that important ‘read more’ button.

 3. Be informal. Ditch the technical jargon and talk in the language that your target audience use. It’s a good idea to actually read your posts out loud before clicking on the publish button. Does it should chatty? Does it sound natural? Great – get it out there.

If when you read it out loud, it sounds clumsy, too formal, or doesn’t feel right, then relax your style a bit until if flows perfectly.

 4. Quick snaps from your phone make the ideal images. Did you know that professional-looking images can actually encourage people to scroll past, assuming that the post will be trying to sell us something? To stop the scroll use more informal images on Facebook.

I love this social media tip as it’s so simple, quick and a lot less expensive!.

 5. Use hashtags. Many people wonder if they should use hashtags on Facebook and the answer is a definite yes. I recommend using up to three hashtags on Facebook – you can either embed them into the body of the post or place them at the end.

This Facebook tip will really help you to get found by people that don’t follow you!

 6. Create engagement. If you’ve ever wondered what engagement on Facebook means, here’s a helpful list:

Clicking on an image to enlarge it.

Clicking one of the reaction buttons.


Clicking on the ‘read more’ button.


Hovering over a post to read it. Yes really – those Facebook algorithm robots notice everything!

If you can encourage these activities on your content then Facebook will give you brownie points and increase the visibility of your Facebook posts!

 7. Tag other companies and people in. A tag is a great thing to do. The person or company will be notified that you have tagged them in, rush to see what it is, and respond with a positive action.

A word of warning though, only tag someone in if it is relevant to the Facebook post. If you tag someone in and they don’t engage with the post, then the ‘bots’ will think something fishy is going on and could even think that the post is a bit spammy!

Would you like to know how to grow your followers on Facebook

Do you ever feel a bit unsure about what to post on your social media for your business?

Believe me, you are not alone.

I’m Becs Bate and I’ve worked with many companies in your shoes – and yes I’ve been there too!

That’s why I’ve created The Social Flock, a group of like-minded business professionals, to help kick down that brick wall you face when thinking of content ideas.

  • Your posts will become consistent.
  • You can buddy up to appraise each other’s posts to boost confidence.
  • There will be a monthly content planning workshop so your posts reflect your bigger picture.
  • There will be training sessions to really elevate your knowledge.
  • It is an opportunity to share thoughts and insights.
  • You’ll never be short of inspiration.
  • You can ask others to like a post to give it the traction it needs.
logo- Picture of a cartoon sheep with The Social Flock words around it

We’d love to see you in our supportive hub of like-minded business professionals who simply want to improve their visibility on social media.

Come and join The Social Flock, just click on the button below

Bye for now,


Becs Bate
Social Media Consultant, Social Media Executive
