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Facebook estimates that 160,000 accounts are hacked EVERY DAY!

How to protect your Facebook account from hackers

Take these steps to protect your Facebook account from being hacked.

It is estimated that 160,000 Facebook accounts are hacked EVERY DAY!

 If you’ve ever had your Facebook account hacked, you’ll know that sinking feeling you get in your stomach – it really does fill you with a sense of dread! How did they get in? What do they know about me? Are any of my other online accounts in danger? What do I do now?

Thankfully there is a lot you can do to stop this happening, or happening again if you’ve been unlucky in the past. In this blog I’m going to tell you how to avoid being hacked on Facebook.

“Help I’ve been hacked on Facebook!”

When I hear these words, my heart goes out to the business owner. Once you’ve been hacked, criminals can gain access to a lot of your information and in some cases are able to steal from you. And it’s really difficult to put right, other than to start all over again.

Setting up your personal Facebook profile securely

 The hackers will target your personal Facebook profile account which will allow them access to any business page that you manage. Therefore you need to focus on making your personal profile secure.

If you have other people managing your Facebook business page, make sure to send them this blog too, learning ways of securing a Facebook profile is crucial!

1. Number one rule: create a strong password on Facebook

 When I’m asked how to add security to Facebook account this is the key!

Never use anything that is connected to you, things like birthdays, names, addresses and the like. Choose a random password and use a mix of numbers, capital letters, lowercase letters and even pop in the odd symbol.

And remember to change them regularly too!

Keep reading to find out where to change your Facebook password.

Security and login features on Facebook

To access all the Facebook security features, including how to change your Facebook password, look to the very right of your profile photo. Here you’ll see a downward arrow.

  • Click on this arrow to see a list of actions.
  • Click on Settings and Privacy.
  • Click on Settings
  • Click on Security and Login

Once you’re on the Security page you’ll see more safety features. Let’s run through them together:

Recommended: Right at the top you’ll see this option. If you want Facebook to recommend a password for you, simply click here and follow the instructions.

Where you’re logged in: This is the space where you can see where your account is logged in. I have two devices that appear here, and I know for sure that that’s me. If you notice a strange login from a place or device you don’t recognise you need to act fast as it could be a hacker – click on the three vertical dots to the right of the device and tell Facebook that it’s not you.

Login: Under this heading you’ll see Change Password and Save your Login Information. Here’s how to change Facebook password: Click on Change password, type in your current password, type in your new password and then retype it for confirmation. Click Save Changes and you’re done!

 If you share your PC don’t activate the Save Your Login Information feature.

2. Set up Two-factor authentication on Facebook

  Now this one is VERY important if you want to know how to add more security to your Facebook account. Should your Facebook account be accessed on a device that has not been used before, the user will be asked to provide a code – you can set the authentication code to be sent to your phone or to an email address if that’s easier.

There will be times when you legitimately log in to Facebook from a new device – maybe you’ve treated yourself to a new phone. But that won’t be a problem as when you are prompted to type in the authentication code, you’ll have easy access to it. You’ll only have to perform the two- factor authentication once as Facebook will learn that this is your device.

But when a hacker tries to access your Facebook account from another device, they won’t be able to get the code and will be stopped in their tracks.

 You can set up backup too, so if you’re in the habit of letting your phone’s battery run to empty, you will be able to access the code from somewhere else.

Go on, switch this feature on now and follow the instructions to set up. The easy to navigate prompts will tell you how to set up two-factor authentication on Facebook.

3. Setting up extra Facebook security

Here you can sign up to receive alerts about unrecognised logins on Facebook. Getting Facebook alerts for logins can be a real lifesaver as it puts you one step ahead – but you have to be quick as once the hacker is in (if you’ve not set up a two-factor authentication) they can quickly change passwords, emails and phone numbers too.

Adding trusted contacts to Facebook is a great idea too. You can choose up to 5 friends to help you get back into your account should you get locked out for any reason (Please note the Facebook feature Trusted contacts is being removed in spring 2022).

Check where the emails originate from!

And finally, if you do receive an email from Facebook about absolutely anything, asking you to click a link, check the URL. The link should always start with

If it doesn’t, report it straight away and don’t click on any links within the email. Facebook will never ask you for your passwords or any sensitive information so please be aware.

Don’t have nightmares!

Just like they say at the end of Crimewatch, ‘Don’t have nightmares!’ Once you’ve put steps in place to secure your personal account you’ll be much better protected. Criminals don’t like hard work, so if you make it difficult for them, they’ll soon lose interest.

Other ways I can help

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Bye for now,


Becs Bate
Social Media Consultant, Social Media Executive
