Facebook Tutorials

How to verify a Facebook Business Page

This video shows you step by step how to verify your Facebook Business page. I explain why it is really important to get that verification (the grey tick next to your Facebook page name) and the benefits of doing it. This will help increase your visibility on Facebook, however it is not available to everyone so if you have the option in the settings then please do it ASAP before the verify your page option disappears, as Facebook is phasing this out on some pages.

Making photos private on Facebook

In this video, I show you  how to make your photos private on Facebook so that people who don’t know you can’t see them. Update: “The view as” button has been temporarily removed by Facebook due to a security breach and will be reinstalled in 2019 all being well!

LinkedIn Tutorials

Step by step tutorial on how to connect your LinkedIn business page to your personal profile

This video will show you how to link your company page on LinkedIn to your experience on your personal profile.

The LinkedIn tutorial demonstrates how you get the company logo next to your work experience. This will enable you to be listed on the company as an employee and have a clickable link from your profile through to your LinkedIn company page.